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damage rolls中文是什么意思

用"damage rolls"造句"damage rolls"怎么读"damage rolls" in a sentence


  • 伤害检定


  • They apply these bonuses to both attack and damage rolls when used in combat
  • The ferocious attack grants a + 2 to all attack and damage rolls that round
    使用凶猛攻击可以使该轮所有攻击和伤害检定+ 2 。
  • By taking one round to whip up the crew , the raider grants them a + 2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls
    花一轮时间鞭笞其船员,掠袭者能赋予他们+ 2士气加值与所有攻击与伤害检定。
  • By taking one round to whip up the party , the raider grants them a + 1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls
    花一轮时间鞭笞其随从,掠袭者能赋予他们+ 2士气加值与所有攻击与伤害检定。
  • By taking one round to whip up the party , the raider grants them a + 2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls
    花一轮时间鞭笞其同伙,掠袭者能赋予他们+ 2士气加值与所有攻击与伤害检定。
  • Likewise , she gets the same bonus on weapon damage rolls against illithids , including ranged weapons against targets within 30 feet
    同时他在武器伤害骰上有同样的加值,包括使用远程武器攻击30 ?内的目标。
  • Enchanted natural weapons ( sy ) : a bearhound gains a + 1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls with all its uatural weapons
    天生魔化武器( sy ) :熊猎犬在攻击和伤害鉴定上有+ 1的奖励加值,这个加值来源于他天生的魔法武器。
  • A rage drake normally attacks using its power attack feat , taking a - 5 penalty on its attack rolls and gaining a + 5 bonus on damage rolls
    狂暴龙兽通常会使用猛力攻击专长攻击,在攻击掷骰上受到- 5减值并在伤害掷骰上得到+ 5的加值。
  • At 1st level they receive a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls within 30 feet when using a bow , in addition to the benefits granted by the pointblank shot feat
    第一级起,他们在使用弓箭射击30尺内的目标时,除了近程射击提供的优势之外其攻击检定和伤害额外获得+ 1加值。
  • This spell instills powerful hope in the subjects . each affected creature gains a + 2 morale bonus on saving throws , attack rolls , ability checks , skill checks , and weapon damage rolls
    这个不是直接加属性的。是加2豁免,命中,属性“鉴定” ,技能鉴定和伤害。比+ 2属性好多了。
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